Question / Help additional question to [GUIDE] Death Counter


New Member

I'm new to this forum and due to insufficient privileges I'm not allowed to reply here:

This is the perfect place for my additional question. So moderators, please move this post to that place - thanks!

  • I really appreciate the work of this death counter. It works well. Now I want to develop it a little to bring it to a higher level.
    • My goal is to improve this counter and make it count deaths automatically.
    • I often play Super Mario Maker and there you can die a lot in different variations.
    • I think the solution should be possible with autohotkey, if you use "PixelGetColor"
  • Conclusion of the analysis below:
    • after all kinds of death the whole screen becomes black for 37 frames (color value = 0x101010)
    • so an additional script which checks, whether there are 37 black succesive frames (a number of x pixels should be checked here) should count every death
    • problem: if you go into a pipe, the whole screen becomes black, too. in that case it becomes black for circa 31 frames. after that the screen becomes (re)constructed in relation to Mario's position. After circa 17 frames the whole screen is (re)constructed.
    • I think a solution could be a function which checks the color values of a dot matrix like: x10y10; x10y20; x10y30...x20y10; x20y20; x20y30.. x30y10; x30y20; x30y30... and so on
    • can anyone help with a code?
  • Analysis of variations of deaths:
    • Out of time (blue onscreen message + animation)
    • Jump into pit
    • Hit by enemy (animation where you hit the enemy)
    • Manually restart [menu with yellow buttons 0x1ADEE5]
    • The whole screen becomes black for 37 frames (color value = 101010)
    • Anticipated problems:
      • Pipe: after going into a pipe the whole screen becomes black (for circa 31 frames); after coming out of the pipe the screen becomes colored again (in relation to marios position) [should not be huge problem, because the black screen time is a little shorter than during a death]

It would be really great, if you can help me with that problem - thanks
