Question / Help Adding an 8 seconds delay


New Member
Hi! I wanted to know if there is any good way of adding an 8 seconds delay to any sources.

I know you can add delays to sources and audio, I use this to properly sync microphone with cam and both of them with screen capture, but those values are usually a few hundred miliseconds and if I'm not mistaken it can't be above 1000ms.

Twitch delay is usually around 8s, and if I want to record my chat above my stream through Streamlabs' chatbox, the result is that people react 8 seconds later to what happens in-stream, which is kind of weird when watched on youtube for instance. Thus my question: Any feasible way of adding an 8s delay to all inputs except for the chatbox?



New Member
Filters applies one after other. You can pipe them, but this is VRAM intensive task (to delay the uncompressed video).
Other solution is 2 PC setup or two OBS Studio instances (like this )

I already own a secondary rig (Ryzen 7 1700 @ 3.9GHz), but its sole purpose is streaming. I push 1080p60 @ Medium x264 and it's pretty intensive.

I use my gaming PC (9900K + 2080Ti) to record CRF18 raw 4K footage of game+cam. It can easily do it at ultrafast with literally 0 impact in any current game. Buuut, if I want to add the chat and have it synced... I see this is complicated, since I'm assuming eight 1s filters would kill performance.

All that being said, I don't understand how sending the signal from one OBS instance to another via NDI could help me with this.
What do you mean exactly?

Thank you!


Forum Admin
I don't see how adding delay would help here, your viewers would see the content even further delayed so the chat would still be out of sync.

Suslik V

Active Member
@R1CH I think, upload at full quality later and stream at medium right now is the key.
...Twitch delay is usually around 8s... which is kind of weird when watched on youtube for instance...

User needs to record one more source separately to be able to post-process it later, I think.


New Member
I don't see how adding delay would help here, your viewers would see the content even further delayed so the chat would still be out of sync.

This is not for the stream, but for the recording. I stream with separate PC and record with gaming one. I'd add the chat to the gaming PC so it can be watched on the recording when uploaded to YT.

User needs to record one more source separately to be able to post-process it later, I think.

I've come to the conslusion that this is impossible to achieve, at least if trying to avoid any type of post editing.
It's easy to do if I'm gonna pass the recording through an editing software, but that's what I was trying to avoid.

Well, thanks!

You can also use setting here: Settings>broadcast settings>"Delay (seconds)"

That is a completely different type of delay which applies to the whole thing.