Metal48 | Floridians
New Member
Title. Recently went through hell and back trying to get my PC to record and video buffer footage via OBS as a new user to this software. Whenever I would post in this forums for help, I would have my PC (Core 2 Quad Q8400, GT 1030, 4GB RAM) dismissed as simply not being powerful enough to record by several users such as @SumDim (no offense). I didn't give up and turned to the Internet instead. I found a Blizzard forums post saying that turning off the Windows 10 Game Bar allowed his PC to finally be rid of the blackscreen problem, so I tried it, too, with no success. I was very discouraged and booted up Overwatch and saw a little notification to press Windows+' to display the Discord overlay on the game. I closed the game, disabled the Discord overlay, rebooted the game, and began to record and lo and behold, I could capture video flawlessly. So yeah, include a little part about enabling recording overlays or remind users to turn them off. Thanks.