add audio sources by application and inputs.


New Member
At the current time OBS can only see system audio sources such as microphones and laptop speakers. or at least for all I know...

make it so that these audio sources show but also by application and internal inputs such as stream labs items.

This would be useful so I the streamer can hear things like steam, discord, or windows alerts without the viewers hearing them, also it would allow for application level volume control that would be separate from the computer volume controls (windows volume mixer) of course for testing you would need to then add an audio test button so that you can test and sample the audio going to the stream but that should not be hard.

If you need something for reference another broadcasting software called "Vmix" does this but it costs like $300 so...


Forum Admin
vMix does not have the ability to capture individual application audio. I have the full version of vMix and when I go to add audio sources, I am given a list of devices to choose from, not applications. This is due to the way Windows has their audio subsystem set up -- you can't just capture one program's audio, you have to capture an audio device.

I believe vMix does have the ability to capture audio from their own implementation of the browser source, possibly, but that is a separate issue.


New Member
Oh... sorry I guess I wasn’t clear on the Vmix part... i was referring to just the Browser sources... sorry for the confusion although they would both still be nice...

Also does anyone else notice that the windows audio stuff is like super old and outdated compared to apple and such? Ive complained about the windows audio stuff for about 2-3 years now...