Question / Help About the encoder and encoder lag!! (having problems? Look here)


So FINALLY i found a way to get pretty good streams going. I have been having problems for all time, i mean years of shitstream and no way to fix it! But to keep this short and simple!

If you have a descent computer, a good connection, but your stream seem to lag anyway, stuttering away. Check your logfile and see if it is your encoder that is having problem and giving you shit performance.

Enable OBS to have HIGH priority, you can choose that inside the application. And if it helps but your game still feels heavy, alt+tab your game and press ctrl+alt+del, go to taskmanager, then information. Rightclick your game and chose above normal.. Dont go higher becase then the game will conflict with the encoder.

I mean really guys, i have been on this forum for a while, and i didnt see anyone talk about this solution? (probably missed it, but this should really be out there)

And to get "perfect" picture in your stream, you should not just cramp up the quality, but you should optimize it for the framerate and resolution you are having.

Try this formula: resolution*framerate*0.1 (bits per pixel)


1080*30*0,1 = 3240 bitrate
720*60*0,1 = 2160

I also noticed that lowering the buffer below the bitrate can make the stream smoother, but it can make the quality worse when lots are happening. If you cramp up the buffer you can get sharper image when lot happens. but it can also stutter a bit.

Can we make this in to a Tips and Trick thread, where ppl can post good findings that have been improving streaming? =)

//peace !


Calculating bits per pixel has been mentioned on these forums before, including myself. But it is not normally something you need to pay much attention to. Using 3240 kbps instead of 3500 kbps is not better in any way in regards to quality.

Also, that formula you're using is kind of weird. 0.1 bpp is a good point to aim for (not to be confused with the bit depth). But you need to consider the horizontal resolution as well.

1280x720 60fps @ 2160 kbps is 0.039 bits per pixel which is waaay worse than the 0.1 you were aiming for.

Try the sticky threads instead:
- High CPU Usage/High Encoding/Taking too long to encode? Read this first!
- Dropped frames/disconnecting/lag? Read this first!


My bad with the calculations, 720p at 60 fps should be 4320 kbps. And why not pay attenttion to this? Speaking for my self i like optimization and if there is math behind it that is useable why not use it? Sure you dont need this, the important part is the priority for the encoder.

And just to clarify, the sticker do mention that process priority can be used, but that it can be groundbreaking... not so much. Because when i ramped up the priority i can basically use what ever settings i like and get good results. Just a while ago did a 4500kbps stream on twitch with no problems.

So if my formula dont work, then how should it be?