Question / Help About audio capturing


New Member

I say what I'd like to get, though I don't know if it's possible:

What I have: Monitor + ps4 pro + webcam c922 + platinum sony headsets.

What I want: To record (the same for streaming if possible) and capture all the audio from the console, including voice/group chats and whatever speaks through the microphone of the headsets (I understand that better to use the headsets than the webcam). Is this possible? Or is it only possible to capture discord chats (or any other voice chat program) opened on the PC?

At first I couldn't do it because I had the headsets connected to the console, and when I activated them the output was through the headsets of course, and I couldn't capture it on the PC. When I realized I connected the headphones to the PC, then I could capture audio from the game (it's recorded but I don't know why I don't hear it while playing) and capture micro. The thing is that I don't know how to capture the voice chats of the PS4. Is it possible?

In my first tests the recordings have gone with some jumps. I've seen videos and some tutorial says to use VBR and not CBR. I've already put it in and lowered the bit rate, although I haven't tried it yet. The biggest doubt is the one mentioned above.

Someone good in OBS could help me via telegram? My telegram id is @v1k1ng0. Thanks beforehand.


Active Member
Chat audio:

You either need to physically split the chat audio off the controllers into your computer separately, or instruct your console to include that audio with game audio and capture it with the rest of the game audio. I'm familiar with both methods on Xbox but not PS4, sorry.

Recordings for later editing and posting should be recorded with CRF or CQP rate control, not CBR or VBR. CBR is for streaming. VBR is for special use cases.

CRF is for .x264 encoding, CQP is for NVENC 264 encoding.


New Member
I'm sorry, testing more now.
No interested now in including chat audio (from console).
I have 2 problems now, lag in streaming (I've put CBR as you said me with 1500 value) and no audio in my headset. Audio is working in the streaming, but I don't hear it! (from my headsets). When I do recording, it happens the same. Audio is included in the output file but I don't listen nothing while I'm recording.
Could you help me please with both things? Thanks beforehand.

Ronald Cz

test advance.jpg