Ability to set length of the audio crossfade between scenes for stinger transition?


New Member
I've a somewhat specific problem with my OBS setup that could be easily fixed by being able to specify audio crossfade length between scenes during stinger transitions.

Essentially, my church needs a semi-automated system for streaming as we don't have a dedicated stream tech on hand for most services. Audio is fed to OBS from various mics (depending on the scene) on a Focusrite Scarlett using WDM, while video comes from 2 PTZ cameras using NDI.

Scene transitions are triggered via a OBS remote control app by a sidesperson. Each scene contains a PTZ control signal event to change angles, in addition to the video and audio devices which make up the scene. A stinger video transition is used to "mask" the transition so that the audience doesn't see the PTZ camera moving: about 7 seconds, with the transition point defined as 1.2 secs (or immediately after the stinger fades in).

This works nearly flawlessly, except when transitioning between two scenes with different audio sources. Real world use demonstrates that the sync between audio inputs drifts quite a bit, in spite of identical effects/plugin chains being applied across all sources. I know this is a drift issue, because sometimes sync is perfect, sometimes one audio device is early, and sometimes the same audio device is late. The audio crossfade length for my stinger transition is several seconds long, which often causes doubling/echo when the same sound is being picked up by the different mics used.

I assume this drift is partly due to WDM vs. ASIO... But I've been dissatisfied with the OBS plugins adding ASIO support (they are easy to break). Likewise, I've been dissatisfied with things like Advanced Scene Switcher to define shorter crossfades because I worry it might also be easy to break - for example, if someone triggers two scene changes in quick succession by accident, this can cause the fader level for a particular input to be stuck at 0, meaning I have to define another macro to periodically check fader level on active scenes and adjust if necessary, etc., etc....

All of this could be easily fixed if I could define audio crossfade length between scenes for a stinger transition, and then set it short enough that any drift between the sync of two audio sources won't be noticeable during the transition.

Are there any insights or suggestions on how to address this issue with the available OBS functionality and plugins? Or is my best bet to request a new feature, that audio crossfade length for stinger transitions be able to be explicitly set by the user?
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