Question / Help Abandoned forum?


New Member
I got DroidcamX and OBS working. Definitely better than my old webcam. Tried the USB connection but wasn't sure there was any particular advantage over the wifi phone to laptop connection. Both have a bit of lag but since I'm recording, not streaming, not sure that's going to make any difference.
I haven't noticed a countdown timer in OBS where you could click record and then have a few seconds to get into playing position before it started.


New Member
I've noticed that with video coming in to OBS over wifi,and audio into OBS from a direct interface, the video is about 300 ms behind. Since I haven't managed to get a phone to laptop over usb working in DroidCamX, I'm wondering if I should expect that 300ms delay to remain close to accurate over an hour's recording session? I'll be adjusting for that delay in OBS "offset."


Active Member
That would depend entirely on your phone, cam app, and wifi. Only way to tell would be to set the offset, record for a good long while, then check the sync in the recording.