A big culprit stopping OBS working is....


New Member
Hey All
I have an i7 hackintosh with a GTX 970 running High Sierra.

Recently I went through several painful ponderings of why OBS wasn't working and subsequently several reinstalls, I was about to post here with a crash log when I thought just unplug your USB gear (mostly MIDI stuff and cannibalised joysticks for MIDI using ControllerMate), and reboot as a last ditch effort.

Lo and behold it worked!!

So before you lose hope and get frustrated, first try unplug all USB gear and restart, it worked for me. Oh yes and delete all scenes etc and start fresh, then exit and restart OBS just to be sure.

Happy streaming,


Was this a one time thing or are you experiencing periodic failures that you will have to
perform this "reset" for?