Question / Help 7 seconds of Darkness


New Member
When I try to do a window recording of any game, I go to check the final product and I get 7 seconds of black and mute. I only just started and there may be a way around this, but I don't know it. I'm also on windows 7, which is a supports of OBS, and I don't know whats up. Pls help.


New Member
Windows 7, I record 1 minute of League of Legends and when I look at the the video in Movie Maker I see 7 seconds of a black screen.


Make sure the game is actually displaying in the preview when you start recording. When I use Game Capture and switch games it takes a few seconds before it hooks, leaving me with only my overlay and blackness.


Active Member
Saving directly to mp4 is not recommended due to it corrupting the entire file with ANY non-graceful shut down of the encoding process.