60 FPS doesn't look 60 FPS

Hey all, obs noob here. I just started working with obs after transitioning from shadow play, as its a better recording platform all in all. But I've noticed playback quality seems to be lacking.

As the title states, I've been having issues with my recordings not looking 60 fps. Before I move on, I would like to state that I normally play on high refresh rates and have factored in that this could be some placebo affect going on here. There's going to be (a) sample video(s) below for people to view, feedback regarding quality is greatly appreciated. Moving on...

Here's factors i'm certain aren't playing a role in this problem (if it is one)

-nothing is being bottle necked, i'm running a dual GPU setup (2080 main, 1060 encoder). The reason for the independent encoder card is because the 2080 is usually running 70 to 80 percent when playing games without obs in the background. When using the NVEC encoder on the 2080, it maxes the card and causes serious issues with performance in the game and with the recordings, since the 1060 install, I have eliminated this issue.

-Rate control doesn't seem to play a factor with this, I've tested all the types with various different quality's and it still doesn't seem to produce a smooth 60 fps playback regardless of quality

-Stats are showing all nominal in terms of being able to produce a smooth 60 FPS playback

With that being said, here's a Youtube video showing some EFT game play and the logs(the game I intend to record)

Ignoring the terrible video quality (thanks AVC) and the bad audio quality, the video seems to playback smoothlyish. The doesn't look like 60 FPS thing i'm talking about looks most noticeable when I move my camera left to right. When the character is running straight, it looks much more smooth.

Not sure what to expect here, but hopefully i'm either missing something very obvious, or i'm simply too accustomed to high refresh rate.

Any input is appreciated!