Question / Help 5960x Preset?

Odd Matti Wiker

New Member
Okay, so i have now bought the 5960X and a GTX 1080 card. i have not been able to test the CPU for what preset it can handle becouse of the delay on delivery on the GTX card, but is it possible to make it run at medium/slow preset? i have read somewhere that it is able to but want to be sure.

I bought the CPU uses and it did run @ 4.5 ghz with 1.25V so i think i will run it at that setup, even i can manage to get it to 4.6-4.7.


Forum Moderator
You just lower the preset until the load gets too high for your taste.
This is done in like 5 minutes by yourself with some local recording runs.


New Member
With this beast you will for sure be able to run it on medium, probably also on slow. I got an 6800k@1.143V and I assigned OBS to 2 cores running at 3.8 Ghz, and the other 4 at 3.9 Ghz to Steam, so all games use them. I can run OBS on medium with this setup, using 4 full cores for gaming so gaming performance is (almost) like an i7 6700k. With your 8 cores you could run this setup and use 6 cores for gaming, or probably use 3 or 4 cores for OBS and render on slow preset.


New Member
I don't think it is that bad, as OBS uses my 2 cores peaking above 80% and games can utilize the 4 other cores to 100%. So I can be sure OBS never gets in the way of my games and the other way around. And 4 cores @ 3.9 Ghz are more than enough for current games. So yeah, I might be losing 20-30% performance on 2 cores, but I don't care as it are only 5-10% regarding the whole system - and probably not even many games, as most games don't use more than 4 cores and prefer high speeds over more cores. So it might be even better for single-core-heavy games, but I don't know enough about the Windows thread-managing-stuff to be sure about that. I might be able to get some benchmark results when my new graphics card arrives sometime next month.

So yeah, I might not get 100% of the performance I might be able to get, but I won't notice and can be 100% sure my Stream doesn't care about a game taking all what it can get. It probably wouldn't do anyways, but I like double safety nets. I think of it like having a i7 6700k and a seperate streaming PC ;)