Question / Help 5.1 Channel Audio Support in OBS


New Member
I have the audio which is Window Media Player .wma 6 channel format.
I'm using Yamaha Mixer which has a USB support.
My Operating system in Windows 7.
My OBS version is 24.0.3
I stream thru Twitch
Everything is working fine. Excpet my Audio to audience is Stereo not 5.1.At the monitor level i can hear all the channels.
But when we streaming one can listen only these channels Left, Right, Centre and Bass other two Channels which are Rear Left and Rear Right is missing.
I have selected the Audio as 48Khz and 5.1 as output.
Yes, i read the that OBS does not guarantee for 5.1 channel support.
My reason for this post is to get information "if there are any updates in this areas"
Thank you All.