Question / Help 4:3 fps source and cpu usage questions


New Member
Hi, I've used obs studio for a few days now to test streaming with csgo. I know the basics (bitrate,res,preset,etc) but I have a few questions that I can't seem to find answers to. I've done some tests but there are so many variables that I'd really like if someone could clarify some things for me.

1) I'm playing csgo @ 1024x768 with black bars and streaming it stretched in 16:9 (only source I'm streaming). Is it better to have a 1024x768 base with a 16:9 output or have them both at 16:9? And what if the base has less pixels(vertically or horizontally) than the source, like 1024x576? (not a twitch partner so limited to 3500 bitrate, this resolution seems slightly nicer than 720p)
Basically what would be the optimal setup for a 1024x768 source to a 16:9 output?

2) Are there known options in x264(or even in obs) that might improve specifically a fps output? Atm I only changed the birate to 3500, preset to medium, profile to main, base+output to the setups I tried, filter to Lanczos and added a game capture source with csgo stretched on screen.

3) I'm using a 4ghz 4770k and my cpu usage is around 50% with a 300fps csgo and a medium preset on OBS studio. The thing is that my fps decreases a bit while streaming even tho my cpu is at 50%. Some of the 8 cores are barely used with csgo, lot of the times I can see 3 cores at 0%. Is there a way I can manage them so that I dont get less fps when the cpu is half used? I've tried setting affinity on the obs process but that's slightly worse fps wise.

Sorry for the long post, I hope I was clear enough.

Any case you're wondering, I have no gpu bottleneck, I stream at 30 fps.


Active Member
1) Just output 4:3. Unless you're filling the sides with overlays and webcams and the like. Stretching looks like garbage.

2) The "slower" the preset the more x264 uses your CPU, so medium will be far lower fps than the default of Very Fast. Only CPUs with a lot of cores (extreme series, Ryzen 7, higher end Xeons) can handle Medium preset smoothly. You want to use a preset like SuperFast or VeryFast to have higher fps.

3) Your CPU usage will look artificially low because CS:GO is an older game and doesn't use many threads. Don't worry about CPU usage, instead make sure you aren't losing frames to encoder lag in the OBS logs (which you haven't posted yet btw).


New Member
It seems like you didn't read my post at all.

1) A 4:3 output has never been in question.

2) I know what presets do and my games runs smoothly at medium, I asked about x264 options, since there are a lot of them I was wondering if there were specific ones that are good for a fps game

3) You tell me to not worry about cpu usage and to worry about encoder lag and frames drop in obs but I'm talking about my game having less fps (still smooth but not 300fps) while my cpu is @ 50%. No problem atm with frames drop in obs.