11:59:54.900: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
11:59:54.900: CPU Speed: 4008MHz
11:59:54.900: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
11:59:54.900: Physical Memory: 16346MB Total, 9845MB Free
11:59:54.900: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 14393 (revision: 693; 64-bit)
11:59:54.900: Running as administrator: true
11:59:54.900: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
11:59:54.900: Portable mode: true
11:59:54.907: OBS 17.0.2 (64bit, windows)
11:59:54.907: ---------------------------------
11:59:54.907: ---------------------------------
11:59:54.907: audio settings reset:
11:59:54.907: samples per sec: 44100
11:59:54.907: speakers: 2
11:59:54.908: ---------------------------------
11:59:54.909: Initializing D3D11..
11:59:54.909: Available Video Adapters:
11:59:54.910: Adapter 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
11:59:54.910: Dedicated VRAM: 4256235520
11:59:54.910: Shared VRAM: 4275451904
11:59:54.910: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
11:59:54.912: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (0)
11:59:55.315: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 45056
11:59:55.667: ---------------------------------
11:59:55.667: video settings reset:
11:59:55.667: base resolution: 1920x1080
11:59:55.667: output resolution: 1920x1080
11:59:55.667: downscale filter: Lanczos
11:59:55.667: fps: 60/1
11:59:55.667: format: NV12
11:59:55.668: ---------------------------------
11:59:55.669: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/chrome_elf.dll' not found, loading of module failed
11:59:55.673: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
11:59:55.674: [AMF Encoder] Unable to load 'amfrt64.dll', error code 126.
11:59:55.684: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
11:59:55.684: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
11:59:55.684: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
11:59:55.685: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
11:59:55.685: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.28.0']
11:59:55.686: NVENC supported
11:59:55.737: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
11:59:55.740: No blackmagic support
11:59:55.871: ---------------------------------
11:59:55.871: Loaded Modules:
11:59:55.871: win-wasapi.dll
11:59:55.871: win-mf.dll
11:59:55.871: win-dshow.dll
11:59:55.871: win-decklink.dll
11:59:55.871: win-capture.dll
11:59:55.871: vlc-video.dll
11:59:55.871: text-freetype2.dll
11:59:55.871: rtmp-services.dll
11:59:55.871: obs-x264.dll
11:59:55.871: obs-transitions.dll
11:59:55.871: obs-text.dll
11:59:55.871: obs-qsv11.dll
11:59:55.871: obs-outputs.dll
11:59:55.871: obs-filters.dll
11:59:55.871: obs-ffmpeg.dll
11:59:55.871: obs-browser.dll
11:59:55.871: image-source.dll
11:59:55.871: frontend-tools.dll
11:59:55.871: enc-amf.dll
11:59:55.871: coreaudio-encoder.dll
11:59:55.871: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
11:59:55.877: All scene data cleared
11:59:55.877: ------------------------------------------------
11:59:55.892: WASAPI: Device 'Game Sounds (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)' initialized
11:59:55.901: WASAPI: Device 'Music for Stream (VB-Audio Cable B)' initialized
11:59:55.905: WASAPI: Device 'Edited Mic In (VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable)' initialized
11:59:55.908: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 23 milliseconds
11:59:55.916: [Media Source 'division.bg']: settings:
11:59:55.916: input: D:/Programs/OBS/resources/video/division.bg.mp4
11:59:55.916: input_format: (null)
11:59:55.916: is_looping: yes
11:59:55.916: is_forcing_scale: yes
11:59:55.916: is_hw_decoding: yes
11:59:55.916: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
11:59:55.916: restart_on_activate: yes
11:59:55.931: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds
11:59:58.178: [Media Source 'replay.mp4']: settings:
11:59:58.178: input: D:/Programs/OBS/resources/video/replays/playback/lastrecording.mp4
11:59:58.178: input_format: (null)
11:59:58.178: is_looping: no
11:59:58.178: is_forcing_scale: yes
11:59:58.178: is_hw_decoding: yes
11:59:58.178: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
11:59:58.178: restart_on_activate: yes
11:59:58.223: Switched to scene 'division'
11:59:58.223: ------------------------------------------------
11:59:58.223: Loaded scenes:
11:59:58.223: - scene 'test':
11:59:58.223: - source: 'division.bg' (ffmpeg_source)
11:59:58.223: - source: 'test.txt' (text_gdiplus)
11:59:58.223: - filter: 'Scroll' (scroll_filter)
11:59:58.223: - source: 'tip.jar' (browser_source)
11:59:58.223: - scene 'division':
11:59:58.223: - source: 'division.gc' (game_capture)
11:59:58.223: - source: 'division.overlay' (browser_source)
11:59:58.223: - scene 'poe':
11:59:58.223: - source: 'poe.gc' (game_capture)
11:59:58.223: - scene 'replay':
11:59:58.223: - source: 'division.gc' (game_capture)
11:59:58.223: - source: 'division.overlay' (browser_source)
11:59:58.223: - source: 'replay.mp4' (ffmpeg_source)
11:59:58.223: - filter: 'Scaling/Aspect Ratio' (scale_filter)
11:59:58.223: ------------------------------------------------
11:59:58.696: Update check: last known remote version is 17.0.2
12:00:01.876: User switched to scene 'test'
12:00:08.499: ---------------------------------
12:00:08.499: [NVENC encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] settings:
12:00:08.499: rate_control: CBR
12:00:08.499: bitrate: 25600
12:00:08.499: cqp: 0
12:00:08.499: keyint: 250
12:00:08.499: preset: llhq
12:00:08.499: profile: main
12:00:08.499: level: auto
12:00:08.499: width: 1920
12:00:08.499: height: 1080
12:00:08.499: 2-pass: true
12:00:08.499: b-frames: 2
12:00:08.499: GPU: 0
12:00:08.892: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: settings:
12:00:08.892: mode: AAC
12:00:08.892: bitrate: 128
12:00:08.892: sample rate: 44100
12:00:08.892: cbr: on
12:00:08.892: output buffer: 1536
12:00:09.125: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
12:00:09.125: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'D:/Programs/OBS/resources/video/replays/buffer/2017-01-19_12-00-08.mp4'...
12:00:15.015: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'D:/Programs/OBS/resources/video/replays/buffer/2017-01-19_12-00-08.mp4' stopped
12:00:15.015: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
12:00:15.015: Output 'simple_file_output': Total encoded frames: 353
12:00:15.015: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 353
12:00:15.016: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
12:00:17.467: Switched to Preview/Program mode
12:00:17.468: ------------------------------------------------
12:00:21.346: ---------------------------------
12:00:21.347: [NVENC encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] settings:
12:00:21.347: rate_control: CBR
12:00:21.347: bitrate: 25600
12:00:21.347: cqp: 0
12:00:21.347: keyint: 250
12:00:21.347: preset: llhq
12:00:21.347: profile: main
12:00:21.347: level: auto
12:00:21.347: width: 1920
12:00:21.347: height: 1080
12:00:21.347: 2-pass: true
12:00:21.347: b-frames: 2
12:00:21.347: GPU: 0
12:00:21.553: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: settings:
12:00:21.553: mode: AAC
12:00:21.553: bitrate: 128
12:00:21.553: sample rate: 44100
12:00:21.553: cbr: on
12:00:21.553: output buffer: 1536
12:00:21.582: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
12:00:21.582: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'D:/Programs/OBS/resources/video/replays/buffer/2017-01-19_12-00-21.mp4'...
12:00:26.884: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'D:/Programs/OBS/resources/video/replays/buffer/2017-01-19_12-00-21.mp4' stopped
12:00:26.884: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
12:00:26.884: Output 'simple_file_output': Total encoded frames: 316
12:00:26.884: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 318
12:00:26.884: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 159 (50.0%)
12:00:26.884: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
12:00:30.505: ==== Shutting down ==================================================
12:00:30.514: Switched to scene '(null)'
12:00:31.211: WASAPI: Device 'Game Sounds (VB-Audio Virtual Cable)' Terminated
12:00:31.244: WASAPI: Device 'Music for Stream (VB-Audio Cable B)' Terminated
12:00:31.278: WASAPI: Device 'Edited Mic In (VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable)' Terminated
12:00:31.311: All scene data cleared
12:00:31.311: ------------------------------------------------
12:00:31.393: Freeing OBS context data
12:00:31.463: == Profiler Results =============================
12:00:31.463: run_program_init: 3405.52 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSApp::AppInit: 1.348 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┗OBSApp::InitLocale: 0.829 ms
12:00:31.463: ┗OBSApp::OBSInit: 3365.82 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣obs_startup: 1.177 ms
12:00:31.463: ┗OBSBasic::OBSInit: 3346.79 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSBasic::InitBasicConfig: 0.444 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSBasic::ResetAudio: 0.09 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSBasic::ResetVideo: 760.379 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSBasic::InitOBSCallbacks: 0.009 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSBasic::InitHotkeys: 0.03 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣obs_load_all_modules: 203.399 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(coreaudio-encoder.dll): 4.081 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(enc-amf.dll): 0.24 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(frontend-tools.dll): 0.922 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(image-source.dll): 0.002 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-browser.dll): 0.041 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-ffmpeg.dll): 0.569 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-filters.dll): 0.008 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-outputs.dll): 0.002 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-qsv11.dll): 44.868 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-text.dll): 0.243 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-transitions.dll): 0.003 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-x264.dll): 0.001 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(rtmp-services.dll): 0.179 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(text-freetype2.dll): 0.027 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(vlc-video.dll): 0.037 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-capture.dll): 0.039 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-decklink.dll): 1.649 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-dshow.dll): 1.029 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-mf.dll): 127.617 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣obs_init_module(win-wasapi.dll): 0.003 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┗reset_win32_symbol_paths: 0.057 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSBasic::ResetOutputs: 4.509 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSBasic::CreateHotkeys: 0.02 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSBasic::InitService: 0.166 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣OBSBasic::InitPrimitives: 0.155 ms
12:00:31.463: ┗OBSBasic::Load: 2346.65 ms
12:00:31.463: obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms): min=0.002 ms, median=0.004 ms, max=0.386 ms, 99th percentile=0.16 ms, 100% below 25 ms
12:00:31.463: audio_thread(Audio): min=0 ms, median=0.048 ms, max=7.578 ms, 99th percentile=0.902 ms
12:00:31.463: ┗receive_audio: min=0.001 ms, median=0.181 ms, max=2.937 ms, 99th percentile=0.573 ms, 0.302899 calls per parent call
12:00:31.463: ┣buffer_audio: min=0 ms, median=0.001 ms, max=0.007 ms, 99th percentile=0.004 ms
12:00:31.463: ┗do_encode: min=0.079 ms, median=0.178 ms, max=2.932 ms, 99th percentile=0.566 ms
12:00:31.463: ┗encode(simple_aac): min=0.078 ms, median=0.134 ms, max=0.395 ms, 99th percentile=0.334 ms
12:00:31.463: obs_video_thread(16.6667 ms): min=0.167 ms, median=11.121 ms, max=2279.02 ms, 99th percentile=34.184 ms, 73.7602% below 16.667 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣tick_sources: min=0 ms, median=0.011 ms, max=2278.21 ms, 99th percentile=0.036 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣render_displays: min=0 ms, median=10.236 ms, max=32.792 ms, 99th percentile=32.604 ms
12:00:31.463: ┗output_frame: min=0.164 ms, median=0.791 ms, max=2.266 ms, 99th percentile=1.902 ms
12:00:31.463: ┣gs_context(video->graphics): min=0.074 ms, median=0.224 ms, max=1.465 ms, 99th percentile=1.137 ms
12:00:31.463: ┃ ┣render_video: min=0.015 ms, median=0.058 ms, max=1.229 ms, 99th percentile=0.126 ms
12:00:31.464: ┃ ┃ ┣render_main_texture: min=0.002 ms, median=0.04 ms, max=1.167 ms, 99th percentile=0.085 ms
12:00:31.464: ┃ ┃ ┣render_output_texture: min=0.002 ms, median=0.006 ms, max=0.087 ms, 99th percentile=0.027 ms
12:00:31.464: ┃ ┃ ┣render_convert_texture: min=0.001 ms, median=0.007 ms, max=0.025 ms, 99th percentile=0.017 ms
12:00:31.464: ┃ ┃ ┗stage_output_texture: min=0 ms, median=0.002 ms, max=0.038 ms, 99th percentile=0.007 ms
12:00:31.464: ┃ ┣download_frame: min=0 ms, median=0.002 ms, max=0.105 ms, 99th percentile=0.005 ms
12:00:31.464: ┃ ┗gs_flush: min=0.026 ms, median=0.154 ms, max=0.592 ms, 99th percentile=0.25 ms
12:00:31.464: ┗output_video_data: min=0.266 ms, median=0.539 ms, max=1.546 ms, 99th percentile=0.96 ms
12:00:31.464: video_thread(video): min=0 ms, median=0.001 ms, max=9.445 ms, 99th percentile=4.708 ms
12:00:31.464: ┗receive_video: min=0 ms, median=1.591 ms, max=9.441 ms, 99th percentile=3.18 ms, 0.424166 calls per parent call
12:00:31.464: ┗do_encode: min=0.671 ms, median=1.603 ms, max=9.44 ms, 99th percentile=3.179 ms
12:00:31.464: ┗encode(simple_h264_stream): min=0.658 ms, median=1.528 ms, max=3.375 ms, 99th percentile=2.987 ms
12:00:31.464: =================================================
12:00:31.464: == Profiler Time Between Calls ==================
12:00:31.464: obs_hotkey_thread(25 ms): min=24.955 ms, median=25.081 ms, max=26.099 ms, 86.326% within ±2% of 25 ms (0% lower, 13.674% higher)
12:00:31.464: obs_video_thread(16.6667 ms): min=4.302 ms, median=16.667 ms, max=2279.03 ms, 73.7437% within ±2% of 16.667 ms (0.0628141% lower, 26.1935% higher)
12:00:31.464: =================================================
12:00:31.489: Number of memory leaks: 9