2PC streaming, why does the monitor resolution on the second computer determine the output of the video?


New Member
(wasn't sure which forum this belonged in so I posted it in both windows and linux)

I have a 1440p monitor on my gaming computer (windows), and a 1080p monitor on my streaming pc (ubuntu). The capture card I use is the pengo 4k60, which can handle 120 hz at 1440p no problem.

My gaming pc detects the pengo card when the second pc is on, and I have its display resolution set to 1440, with max refresh in the display output settings of windows. So it seems as though my gaming pc clearly sees the pengo card as 2k.

Now when I go onto my linux streaming pc, obs only gives me the video options of 1080p for both base and output. So I know that the second pc is receiving a 2k resolution via the capture card, but I think the monitor of the streaming pc keeps it from being able to display and output the 2k.

Is there a resolve to this?

I have all my settings setup well, my stream is going just fine, I just can't seem to get the full 1440 experience into the 2nd system.