Bug Report 24/7 Snow Cam Problem


New Member
I'm going to put this under bug report, because I am getting an error message, but I am still unsure of whether or not it is the software causing this, or if its the camera software. I have the manufacturer looking over logs as well, so lets just get down to the point.

This is a ski hill, and they have a Snowcam, which is a Ubiquity UVC with RTSP in a url without a username/password which i see a lot of other manufacturers use.

So this one works for about 5 days now, and it just freezes. The camera still works if I go into the NVR (Manager software) and look at the feed, it's still working properly. However, OBS is simply not updating any further communications.

I keep getting these:
07:06:06.018: WriteN, RTMP send error 10053 (3494 bytes)
07:06:06.019: WriteN, RTMP send error 10053 (67 bytes)
07:06:06.019: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)

And then this shows up further down the line as well:
01:54:24.730: warning: 'circular_buffer_size' option was set but it is not supported on this build (pthread support is required)

I am going to try to make a note of the frozen frame date/time and see if I can figure out what one is happening (if any) when it freezes. But Any idea if I can fix it, or if there's something that is planned on being fixed already that I don't see?

This is the status of the 'start stream' for it:
12:42:30.972: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6550  @ 2.33GHz
12:42:30.973: CPU Speed: 2338MHz
12:42:30.973: Physical Cores: 2, Logical Cores: 2
12:42:30.973: Physical Memory: 2047MB Total, 829MB Free (NOTE: 2 or 4 gigs max is normal for 32bit programs)
12:42:30.973: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 10586 (revision: 0)
12:42:30.973: Running as administrator: false
12:42:30.973: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
12:42:30.991: OBS 0.15.4 (windows)
12:42:30.991: ---------------------------------
12:42:30.992: ---------------------------------
12:42:30.993: audio settings reset:
12:42:30.993:     samples per sec: 44100
12:42:30.993:     speakers:        1
12:42:31.061: ---------------------------------
12:42:31.061: Initializing D3D11..
12:42:31.061: Available Video Adapters:
12:42:31.063:     Adapter 1: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT
12:42:31.064:      Dedicated VRAM: 519634944
12:42:31.064:      Shared VRAM:    1073276928
12:42:31.064:      output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1440, 900}, attached=true
12:42:31.068: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT (0)
12:42:31.082: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 40960
12:42:32.128: ---------------------------------
12:42:32.129: video settings reset:
12:42:32.129:     base resolution:   640x360
12:42:32.129:     output resolution: 512x288
12:42:32.129:     fps:               15/1
12:42:32.129:     format:            NV12
12:42:32.130: ---------------------------------
12:42:32.205: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
12:42:32.313: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/ffmpegsumo.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:42:32.486: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:42:32.522: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:42:32.640: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
12:42:32.703: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
12:42:32.753: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI.dll', error: 126
12:42:33.268: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
12:42:34.935: No blackmagic support
12:42:35.246: ---------------------------------
12:42:35.246:   Loaded Modules:
12:42:35.246:     win-wasapi.dll
12:42:35.246:     win-mf.dll
12:42:35.246:     win-dshow.dll
12:42:35.246:     win-decklink.dll
12:42:35.246:     win-capture.dll
12:42:35.246:     vlc-video.dll
12:42:35.246:     text-freetype2.dll
12:42:35.246:     rtmp-services.dll
12:42:35.247:     obs-x264.dll
12:42:35.247:     obs-transitions.dll
12:42:35.247:     obs-qsv11.dll
12:42:35.247:     obs-outputs.dll
12:42:35.247:     obs-filters.dll
12:42:35.247:     obs-ffmpeg.dll
12:42:35.247:     obs-browser.dll
12:42:35.247:     image-source.dll
12:42:35.247:     coreaudio-encoder.dll
12:42:35.247: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
12:42:35.281: All scene data cleared
12:42:35.281: ------------------------------------------------
12:42:35.297: [Media Source 'SnowCam1']: invalid audio_buffer_size 1
12:42:35.297: [Media Source 'SnowCam1']: settings:
12:42:35.297:     input:                   rtsp://
12:42:35.297:     input_format:            rtsp
12:42:35.297:     is_looping:              no
12:42:35.297:     is_forcing_scale:        yes
12:42:35.297:     is_hw_decoding:          yes
12:42:35.297:     is_clear_on_media_end:   no
12:42:35.297:     restart_on_activate:     yes
12:42:35.297: [Media Source 'SnowCam1']: advanced settings:
12:42:35.297:     audio_buffer_size:       1
12:42:35.297:     video_buffer_size:       60
12:42:35.297:     frame_drop:              AVDISCARD_DEFAULT
12:42:35.338: Switched to scene 'SnowCam Scene 2'
12:42:35.338: ------------------------------------------------
12:42:35.338: Loaded scenes:
12:42:35.338: - scene 'SnowCam Scene 1':
12:42:35.338:     - source: 'SnowCam1' (ffmpeg_source)
12:42:35.339:     - source: 'Image' (image_source)
12:42:35.339: - scene 'SnowCam Scene 2':
12:42:35.339:     - source: 'SnowCam1' (ffmpeg_source)
12:42:35.339:     - source: 'Image' (image_source)
12:42:35.339:     - source: 'Weather' (image_source)
12:42:35.339: ------------------------------------------------
12:42:35.387: ---------------------------------
12:42:35.387: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] preset: veryfast
12:42:35.387: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] profile: main
12:42:35.387: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] tune: stillimage
12:42:35.388: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
12:42:35.388:     rate_control: VBR
12:42:35.388:     bitrate:      225
12:42:35.388:     buffer size:  225
12:42:35.388:     crf:          23
12:42:35.388:     fps_num:      15
12:42:35.388:     fps_den:      1
12:42:35.388:     width:        512
12:42:35.388:     height:       288
12:42:35.388:     keyint:       30
12:42:35.388:     vfr:          off
12:42:35.395: ---------------------------------
12:42:35.396: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'Track1'] bitrate: 32, channels: 0
12:42:35.419: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://1.22464912.fme.ustream.tv/ustreamVideo/22464912...
12:42:35.630: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Interface: Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
12:42:36.692: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmp://1.22464912.fme.ustream.tv/ustreamVideo/22464912 successful
12:42:36.694: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
12:42:37.086: Update check: last known remote version is 0.15.4
12:42:37.187: [rtmp-services plugin] Successfully updated file 'services.json' (version 32)
12:42:37.188: [rtmp-services plugin] Successfully updated package (version 32)
12:42:39.239: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 23 milliseconds
12:42:40.227: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds
12:42:53.731: [Media Source 'SnowCam1']: invalid audio_buffer_size 1
12:42:53.731: [Media Source 'SnowCam1']: settings:
12:42:53.731:     input:                   rtsp://
12:42:53.731:     input_format:            rtsp
12:42:53.731:     is_looping:              no
12:42:53.731:     is_forcing_scale:        yes
12:42:53.731:     is_hw_decoding:          yes
12:42:53.731:     is_clear_on_media_end:   no
12:42:53.731:     restart_on_activate:     yes
12:42:53.731: [Media Source 'SnowCam1']: advanced settings:
12:42:53.731:     audio_buffer_size:       1
12:42:53.731:     video_buffer_size:       60
12:42:53.731:     frame_drop:              AVDISCARD_DEFAULT
12:43:20.563: [Media Source 'SnowCam1']: invalid audio_buffer_size 1
12:43:20.563: [Media Source 'SnowCam1']: settings:
12:43:20.563:     input:                   rtsp://
12:43:20.563:     input_format:            rtsp
12:43:20.563:     is_looping:              no
12:43:20.563:     is_forcing_scale:        yes
12:43:20.563:     is_hw_decoding:          yes
12:43:20.563:     is_clear_on_media_end:   no
12:43:20.563:     restart_on_activate:     yes
12:43:20.563: [Media Source 'SnowCam1']: advanced settings:
12:43:20.563:     audio_buffer_size:       1
12:43:20.563:     video_buffer_size:       60
12:43:20.563:     frame_drop:              AVDISCARD_DEFAULT
12:43:24.384: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 69 milliseconds
12:52:18.226: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 92 milliseconds
12:52:18.464: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 116 milliseconds


New Member
Got a reply from Ubiquity, and there doesn't seem to be anything with the camera firmware/nvr software version that causes this.

So it must be something with the OBS Studio software that is timing out the connection after a certain amount of time passes. Not sure how or what causes it. Any input is greatly appreciated since it's getting close to season opening (end of November) and I would like to get this resolved if not something in the works or some kind of acknowledgement of it happening before season starts.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Please always post a full log from a session that exhibits the issue described and not a truncated log.

I'm not familiar with these errors, so unless someone else who is familiar with them jumps in, I'll give it a shot. Searches for the first set (the RTMP errors) suggest upping your bitrate, though I'm not sure how that would help here. Searches for the second error (circular_buffer_size) indicate that FFmpeg doesn't support pthreads (multi-threading)?

The only other thing that stands out to me is that your hardware is nearly a decade old. The graphics card and the CPU are from 2007. Have you considered that the hardware can't sustain this kind of operation for the length of time you need (seemingly 24/7)? Have you tried this on another computer?

That said, if you can't get a new computer for this, you might be able to setup some scripts or scheduled tasks to start OBS Studio streaming from the command-line and then kill the OBS Studio task after a specified period of time (maybe once a day) and then repeat.