2080 super nvenc running gpu at 100% and lagging


New Member
Hi guys hopping someone can help me.

currently running a 3600x with an 2080 super 1440p monitor. 144hz, settings set at 120hz

most games that i play when i stream at 1080p 60fps 6000 bitrate, either x264 the CPU hits 100 to frequently or when i used nvenc new its at 100% most of the time.

the games i play runs around 50%+ CPU and it like to shift that to the GPU as i have a friend with the same system but with an 2060 super and runs all of his games with no hick ups 1080p 60fps.

i am not sure if i am missing anything or if i need to turn off any other features i am not aware of.

any help would be greatly appreciated

i know people will tell me to try 720p 60fps which i have and run into the same issues with nvenc. the goel is to get 1080p 60fps.