Hey guys,
I have set up a second pc for streaming Miscreated to Twitch using OBS, it's up and running but I seem to have better quality running from a single PC which isn't what I was expecting!
Gaming PC i7 6700k GA-B150N mobo 16gb hyper fury ram 980ti
Stream PC i5 3470 Intel DQ77CP mobo 8gb ram integrated graphics
I've been running the stream to the second PC via a NGINX server via NVENC 30.000bR and x264 from the streaming PC to twitch, both PC's are wired to ethernet.
Pixelation is my issue
i'm running 30fps/720p 2500-3500bit rate Gaming PC nvenc to streaming pc and x264 to twitch
OBS gaming PC http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q719/jim_mann1/Capture3_zps5jsjiuvj.png
OBS Streaming PC
I have tried variations but nothing seems to be helping..
Please help!
I have set up a second pc for streaming Miscreated to Twitch using OBS, it's up and running but I seem to have better quality running from a single PC which isn't what I was expecting!
Gaming PC i7 6700k GA-B150N mobo 16gb hyper fury ram 980ti
Stream PC i5 3470 Intel DQ77CP mobo 8gb ram integrated graphics
I've been running the stream to the second PC via a NGINX server via NVENC 30.000bR and x264 from the streaming PC to twitch, both PC's are wired to ethernet.
Pixelation is my issue
i'm running 30fps/720p 2500-3500bit rate Gaming PC nvenc to streaming pc and x264 to twitch
OBS gaming PC http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q719/jim_mann1/Capture3_zps5jsjiuvj.png
OBS Streaming PC
I have tried variations but nothing seems to be helping..
Please help!