Question / Help 1440p monitor trying to downscale using 2nd GPU and not working


New Member
I got a new 1440p monitor and was previously streaming with quicksync on my 1080p monitor and worked great, so I have a gtx 1070 and had a spare gtx 970 laying around so used it as a second GPU for encoding and worked great! streamed for hours, 1080p 60fps stream for hours no issue, turned off my pc and trying streaming again and is not working now, I get terrible framerates even in the preview when using x264, NVENC H.264 or quicksync now and its got me tilted, help me out OBS forum, you're my only hope.

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Active Member
Why would you use a second GPU for encoding? That has no benefit, NVENC already is a dedicated chip on the GPU, it does not affect 3D rendering performance.
With the added GPU, both of them only run at 8x speeds, instead of 16x.