Question / Help 1 key to scroll through multiple scenes?


New Member

I have about 10 scenes, often 2 scenes per game (in-game and "out-game") and would like to switch between these in an easy manner.

I have managed to bind hotkeys to this, but it would be perfect if I could bind for example F7 to first go to scene 1, then when I press it a second time go to scene 2, then scene 1 again when I press it a third time etc.

Is this possible? Would be extremely helpful for me because then I don't need to assign 10 hotkeys, I will only need 4-5.

Kind regards,


Forum Moderator
Why not make separate scene collections for each custom layout and just bind the same two keys to switch scenes?


Forum Moderator
If you need to switch scene collections (e.g. you're switching to a different game while live) then just do it manually before you launch the new game. Assign the same scene switching hotkeys to both collections beforehand.