Bug Report 0.13.1 outputs scratched audio from Elgato


Forum Moderator
Have you tried matching sample rates? The Elgato outputs at 48000, OBS is set to 44100. You can change it under Settings > Audio.

If that doesn't work, try deleting your webcam source and testing, or at least lowering its resolution.
Neither of these solutions worked. Increasing sample rate to 48000 muted audio from Elgato entirely.

What exactly would my webcam or its resolution have to do with any of this? Again, I'd like to stress that 0.12.3 works perfectly with the same settings.

EDIT: I deleted Elgato as a source and re-added it. The audio is back, but it's still scratchy and garbled in 0.13.1. No issues in 0.12.3.


Forum Moderator
I was thinking if your USB controller was pooping from having both the Elgato and webcam input at the same time, removing the webcam or lowering its resolution could correct the problem. It's a common issue with the C920 running at 1080p.
Oh wow. Never heard of that issue before. I've been streaming with this setup for 10 months now and have had no audio issues until 0.13. I had the issue of the Elgato audio randomly cutting out in 0.13.0 and 0.13.1-rc1, but now, it's completely scratched and static in 0.13.1.


Forum Moderator
Also try a different USB port on your motherboard, avoid hubs, delete and re-add the video capture device source, etc.
SUCCESS. I switched the webcam and Elgato ports with each other and it works now. So strange, espcially considering it worked the other way in 0.12.3. Oh well.
Bad news. It's scratchy again and switching ports isn't fixing it. It tested fine in local recordings, then I went live and the audio went scratchy.

I have downgraded again to 0.12.3 and there are no audio problems. It has to be an issue with the program, not my setup.
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New Member
I can confirm what AnEternalEnigma is saying. Since I upgraded to 0.13.1, the audio was consistently scratchy during livestreams to Twitch or recordings on OBS using the Elgato Game Capture HD capture card (for either the PS4, PS3, or PS2). This was even done after doing the suggestions labeled above by Sapiens. However, when going back to OBS version 0.12.3, the audio sounds just fine with no "scratchiness" whatsoever.