websocket 4.9.1

  1. Markwasfy

    Automatically add show/hide transition fade to any added source?

    Is there a way to add show/hide transition fade to any added source using WebSocket or in obs itself?
  2. Markwasfy

    How to move a source into a group using websocket ?!

    After creating a source inside obs I can't move it to a group, Is there any way to do it with the obs web socket or is it still not implemented yet?
  3. M

    WebSockets not working, not showing in tools, installing but not showing up

    Hey all, I'm having an issue with getting the up-to-date WebSockets to install and run properly. I've looked up so many resources and tutorials but nothing is working. I do not have the option in the tools setting to configure the WebSockets so I tried to do the basic Windows installer for...