
  1. C

    NEED HELP - OBS Crashing (Even in safe mode)

    I have been receiving the following error code within moments of OBS crashing. I tried to update my graphics drivers but it is still crashing. Any help would be appreciated. I attached the error log below.
  2. N

    FNaF 4 not being detected

    I've been trying to stream FNaF 4 on obs, but it's not being detected. I did "Capture any fullscreen application," and "Capture specific window." The "Capture specific window" can find the exe, but it won't load it. What should I do to fix it?
  3. J

    my log file is fine

    I am using my obs to transmit on two platforms, but I don't know how to read the transmission files to know if everything is fine or if I should update something in the OBS. I leave my result below, I look forward to answers.
  4. R

    Mouse and keyboard are slow when opening obs

    Hello, I have a problem that has been giving me a headache for weeks. I updated my computer by adding ram memory, new motherboard, before everything worked fine, I currently have: 48gb Ram Rayzen 7 5700g gpu geforce 1160 ti Before increasing the ram and changing the obs board it was fast, now...
  5. G

    OBS wont install

    So I'm trying to get OBS but whenever I try it just comes up with this (voice mod is not open)
  6. L

    Compiling obs 27 on mint 21.

    I keep getting this error when I try to build obs as a .deb I am new to linux so go easy on me. COMMAND: cmake -S . -B YOUR_BUILD_DIRECTORY -G Ninja \ -DCEF_ROOT_DIR="../obs-build-dependencies/cef_binary_5060_linux64" \ -DENABLE_PIPEWIRE=OFF \ -DENABLE_AJA=0 ERROR: CMake Error at...
  7. KingCarrotss

    Obs inly records 1 frame and i cant see cursor

    So I was recording a minecraft video and for about 30 mins it was recording properly then it just got stuck at 1 frame, it happend before too when the entire video was 1 frame, and most of the time I can't see my cursor, but can't see my cursor even while recording and adk after recording coz...
  8. V

    OBS disconnects randomly after a period of time & reconnects again without streaming sound

    Hello Ladys and Gentlemen Can you help fix the following issue: Im currently streaming with OBS (26.1.1) on Twitch and Iam encountering random streaming discconnects and reconnects after various period of times. It reconnects automatically and no sound is streamed after that. My system has...