rtmp send error 10038

  1. S

    Random Crashes - RTMP send error 10060, 10054, 10038

    I've been having random disconnects for a while now, trying to figure out how to pinpoint if the issue is a network error, a pc specific issue or an ISP issue. Logs are attached, I left the bandwidth test mode running overnight and I see the RTMP errors starting at 9:28:49:329, I woke up at...
  2. R

    WriteN, RTMP send error 10060/10054/10038

    LOG: https://obsproject.com/logs/RnsIuCNqwUsVwUAc Been experiencing this for like a whole week, any solution? I am constantly disconnecting from the stream in facebook, in the log provided, I just connected my OBS to a test Facebook Live and just monitoring it, and it disconnects like every 3...