obs media source

  1. U

    How overlap media source sounds

    Hi! I would like to use sounds as "soundboard" on my obs, I added on a media source and configure a hotkey to it. but when I press the keys mutiple times the sound stop and start playing again, I would like make it overlap when press the hotkey mutipletimes. I serch and try some config but...
  2. kizzxas

    OBS Media Source lagging while playing with AV1 recorded video

    Hello, I made instant replay interface and recorded with 20s replay buffer. Then send that replay back to obs as media source. All as standard Instant replays but I did it with my fresh 4090 and av1 recording . Video and sound becomes laggy, not smooth while recorded file is butter smooth. Is it...
  3. kizzxas

    OBS Media Source lagging while playing with AV1 recorded video

    Hello, I made instant replay interface and recorded with 20s replay buffer. Then send that replay back to obs as media source. All as standard Instant replays but I did it with my fresh 4090 and av1 recording . Video and sound becomes laggy, not smooth while reccorded file is butter smooth. Is...
  4. yuntian

    What is network buffering?

    There is a network buffer setting in OBS media source. I don't quite understand the function of the buffer. Who can answer it? thanks