obs dual stream pc

  1. touch_portal

    How-To Setup Touch Portal w/ OBS for Twitch Streaming !! DUAL Streaming Setup

    This video shows the setup process for Touch Portal & OBS for Twitch Live Streaming. It also covers Dual PC Streaming Setup as well for those of you streaming with Two PC's. Touch Portal: https://www.touch-portal.com Websocket Plugin: https://github.com/Palakis/obs-websocket/releases
  2. J

    Question / Help Gaming pc feels so slow or laggy when gaming and streaming

    Hello! I have been using my G3 as a dedicated streaming laptop and I'm using obs ndi plug-in, but for some reason, my gaming PC still feels slow or laggy. it is not smooth at all (performance drop). I've been trying to stream COD MW but still no luck. I bought a switch thinking maybe this would...
  3. R

    Question / Help Stream looks choppy but I cant figure out why.

    So my stream was running fine until a month ago but suddenly it started switching from a smooth 60 fps to a choppy like 30/40 fps feel. However, there is no fps drops according to the OBS. I run a dual stream pc setup with a capture card. I also fullscreen project my gamecapture / display...