OBS is disconnecting and reconnecting about every 5 minutes making it impossible to stream. internet is wired, cpu usage is always right around 2%. Logs are attached. Any help is appreciated.
Hi all,
Hoping someone can help here. Once per stream, OBS has a little popup that says disconnecting and then another that says reconnecting shortly after. The stream on Twitch then stops down and starts back up again. Locally, OBS doesn't seem to crash or stop recording and streaming. I'm...
I'm sorry if this is the millionth threat about this problem but I have seen zero viable solutions on every single thread I've looked at.
I was streaming just fine for 4 hours yesterday and today can't go 5 seconds without disconnection. Before you say check connection I have 800 download and...
So I haven't streamed in about 3 months, and when I did, I was using a wifi connection and never had any issues.
I'm now using an Ethernet cable, and my stream today was a disaster. My stream keeps disconnecting and reconnecting, effectively shutting me down.
I don't think it's the ethernet...
LOG: https://obsproject.com/logs/RnsIuCNqwUsVwUAc
Been experiencing this for like a whole week, any solution? I am constantly disconnecting from the stream in facebook, in the log provided, I just connected my OBS to a test Facebook Live and just monitoring it, and it disconnects like every 3...
It was particularly bad today, I've attached the log file.
I'm not sure if it's my internet connection or my OBS Streaming Settings.
I pay for top end internet so it shouldn't be doing this, I also use an ethernet cable and could see that the internet was still working on my laptop when it had...
I know there's a lot of people already posted this issue but I'm still hoping. So here are my log files right after obs reconnected again.
OBS LOGS: https://obsproject.com/logs/qrIvy6UxTd-tGA1d
OBS SETTINGS: https://imgur.com/a/HkReg6G
Hi, my obs keeps constantly disconnecting and reconnecting. A message at the bottom left pops up that it keeps doing that. I have good internet connection with a wired ethernet. (90 mbs) I also haven't had this issue. I've uninstalled and reinstalled fresh and the problem still persists. Please...
So i am having this problem for a long time. Problem is when i launch obs and start streaming is works perfectly fine when i stream apex legends, paladins...etc.
But when i start other games like Valorant and Brawlhalla ( i am getting problem in these two games thought) my stream status signal...
Hello, I come through this to inform the problem I am having with OBS.
They are hiding a lot of kb / s and live disconnecting in the middle of the transmission, constantly losing frames, I already followed all the tips in the topic...
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