obs crash game

  1. Z

    PC game is crashing/lagging when launching OBS

    Hi ! It's been a few weeks since the launch of my OBS caused my games to lag or even crash. I'm currently using Windows 11 and the beta branch of OBS (OBS 31.0.0-beta3) I don't even need to start a stream or a record to make everything so laggy, only the launch of OBS make them do that. I...
  2. B

    OBS Causes Minecraft To Crash

    When I record Minecraft, I sometimes exit fullscreen to do something quick and the game crashes. This doesn't happen everytime, it's just when OBS is open. Anybody know the solution to this? I don't get a crash report I just get this annoying error message.
  3. S

    OBS crash when it's just opened

    So I was playing F1 2020 while OBS studio is opened in the background because I wanted to do a test stream. I was playing, and then suddenly F1 quitted totally and I got an error message: "obs crashed". So both OBS and F1 crashed at the same time. What's the problem? Here is my crash report...
  4. E

    Hiding and showing up my minecraft game causes it to crash.

    Hi, since a time ago I have been having this issue that causes my minecraft windows/game to crash. Every time I click on the eye icon for hiding the windows, and then showing up clicking it again, the game crashes. Well, I think that that's it... I will leave a log file of the moment that I...
  5. S

    Question / Help Obs Crashes With Ndi

    So i have obs and slobs to do a dual pc setup with ndi but i try to stream fortnite on the 2nd pc my obs on my gaming machine just crashes. and it only crashes if i have fortnite on 1444x1080
  6. Mathieu Baillargeon

    Question / Help My OBS crashes around 10 minutes into streaming.

    Hey i've had this problem where after starting to stream obs suddenly crashes and it does that with all the games. I do not have any fps lags on the game and my connexion seems fine. Anyone have any idea how to fix this ?
  7. N

    Bug Report OBS CRASHES!!! When the game main screen closes. HELP PLEASE!!! Developerss!! T-T

    Hi, im trying to stream League Of Legends, I play on a Mac. While im streaming the game client it's everything awesome, as soon as the game main screen open ( that I have to record using the Syphon Inject because Obs don't recognize the game main screen ) when I Command + Tab it crashes, or when...
  8. B

    Question / Help wile OBS with Game Capture is open/recording/streaming - game shut down with out errors

    hello! i have problem with old game - RAGE i installed Windows few hours ago and have on it only few games, steam, winrar and OBS =) i searched forum about same threads and no one solution didnt help fix that. what i have: lauch OBS with one scene with only game capture lauch game - after 1-7...