obs analyzer

  1. F

    Need Help Understanding How To Analyze A Crash Report

    As the title says, I'm very new to being on a PC in general and sometimes struggle with the basics. I have NO idea what I'm looking at here. I see that it's crashing, and I see "what" is crashing. I just have no idea as to what it actually is. Any information as to what is, or if there is some...
  2. A

    Mystery issue causing lag

    I've attached my log file for the most recent game recording I've attempted to do. I'm at a loss here, I'm not super knowledgeable in this area and have only been making videos for about 6 months. I've been dealing with lag/freezing on OBS + choppy audio simultaneously with my Audacity...
  3. S

    OBS Aanalyzer says I have audio mismatched sample rates: A guide to actually fixing this.

    SEE MY FIX BELOW WHICH I FIGURED OUT WHILE WRITING THIS HELP POST! Log here: https://obsproject.com/logs/IICXDn4zu5yvHfTO I'm on Windows 10 Home, version 2004 (it's up to date as of today) Pretty common streaming/recording setup: I'm using Voicemeeter to split audio so my mic, discord, and...