obs 31.0.2

  1. E

    Possible Streaming Settings for Low-End/Non-Gaming Laptop

    Having been consistent issues with the settings on OBS while while using the "Start Streaming" feature, such as dropping frames and significant lagging. At one point during a stream I did, it crashed. With the specs listed below, what would be the best settings to stream on OBS? Ideally would...
  2. T1GlistenerElf

    OBS dropping 2/3s of frames, but only on YouTube.

    First of all, thank you in advance for your help. Previously, I had this same issue, and I was not able to get a solution to my issue. You can find that post here: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/obs-dropping-2-3s-of-frames-but-only-on-youtube.176292/ Long story short, I was able to "fix"...
  3. Serenalis

    Browser Source Issues After Windows 11 Installation

    Hi everyone! Hoping for some guidance here. Tried some searching beforehand, but any other suggested solutions yielded no results for me. I recently reformatted my PC and installed Windows 11 to get ahead of the October EOL date for Windows 10. I backed up all of my OBS settings in advance, and...