not synchronized

  1. U

    Game audio got desynchronized, microphone ok.

    Hello everyone, recently i came up to a problem of game sound coming later that it should be. Here is the log of this day, i have been streaming 2 times today , first time everything was OK, but the second time audio desynch pushed in, so i stopped the stream. The log...
  2. M

    Audio and Video not synchronized

    I'm recording video from a USB webcam and audio from a separate USB microphone and when I play back the video they are out of sync a little bit. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks!
  3. W

    Audio and video not synchronized and key shifting of songs

    hey everybody part of the people who watched my recent stream on twitch, experienced huge synchronization problems between video and audio. Even the key of the songs - it’s a music stream - was dropping and rising sometimes about up to two halftones. When I watch the recorded stream in my...
  4. tjxwork

    Bug Report OBS multi-track recording, tracks and pictures are not synchronized

    First of all, I am sorry, my English is very poor. My OBS recorded video, recorded 6 tracks, and had 5 sound sources. The first track mixes 5 sound sources, and the remaining 5 tracks correspond to 5 sound sources. The sound of the first track is half a second earlier than the picture, and the...