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  1. onexfps

    [Issue]Folders created by the recorder cannot be deleted.

    Hi, I have really weird problem with the folders that OBS creates when recording I used the formatting name : %CCYY-%MM-%DD // %CCYY-%MM-%DD %hh-%mm-%ss as you can see i used a wrong formatting name on OBS but it created the folders and i thought it was good. BUT when i want to delete them it...
  2. C

    Question / Help OBS does not detect any cameras

    Hi there I am currently on the latest version of OBS, at the time of posting. I have a Genius Facecam 1000x and 2 generic cameras, but OBS does not detect any of them. They all work 100% fine with any other software. The cameras are on the latest drivers. I use Kaspersky free AV, I have...
  3. T

    Question / Help Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll' not found

    Hello from Paris France Here is the latest log from OBS studio - Seems to have a routing issue has the "missing" files are present indeed in the folder Can you help ? log file is here: extract 16:01:44.879: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module...