multiple tracks

  1. zgredzio10

    2 track record how to do this. help

    witam mam problem z zapisaniem pliku gry na dwóch ścieżkach. Chciałbym, aby dźwięk z gry i dźwięk z mikrofonu były zapisywane w osobnych ścieżkach. Niezależnie od konfiguracji (tj. 1 ścieżka - mikrofon i druga ścieżka - komputer), za każdym razem działa tylko 1 ścieżka. Proszę pomóż.
  2. G

    Converting all 6 tracks of MKV audio to 6 different MP3 files

    I’ve been editing with a program that does not support MKV or MP4 files with all of the tracks separated. I was able to live with this until one of my recordings had audio issues. I’m now trying my best to convert each track into it’s own mp3 file for it to be completely compatible with my...
  3. P

    OBS Only Exporting 1 Audio Track

    Hey guys, I'm trying to use obs studio to record for a podcast, and exporting my desktop audio and microphone in separate tracks so I can edit my voice without touching the audio. However, only one track is being captured and exported. I have advanced settings on and both tracks are selected for...