move transition

  1. jcazorla

    Difference between Move Transition plugin on my PC and laptop

    Hello! I'm having trouble using the Move Transition plugin. I want to use it for some effects in my DJ sessions, applying filters and resizing the background video to match the rhythm of the music. I completed all the configuration on my PC and then exported everything to my laptop. However, I...
  2. D

    Scene Switch Notification

    I'm using OBS minimized because I'm recording with a duplicated monitor configuration and I just want some kind of visual confirmation when I make a scene switch. It would be good if it could tell me that the hotkey action went through and which scene I've switched to.
  3. R

    CTRL+F1 and F1 shortcuts both trigger F1 (CTRL+F1=F1)

    Hello I'm using move transition plugin with complexe set of shortcuts If you have two move source filters, one triggered by F1 push the other triggered by CTRL+F1, when you press CTRL+F1 shortcut then both move source filters are triggered instead of the CTRL+F1 triggered scene only
  4. Exeldro

    Move 3.0.2

    If you're using OBS version 27, you need to download version 2.6.1 or lower. Download Plugin for OBS Studio to move sources to a new position during scene transition If the 2 scenes contain a source with similar name (configured with settings) it will do the move the position and size between...