missing files

  1. C

    Deleted Files in Captures Folder

    Hello, 2 days ago I noticed that all my recorded files from the OBS Captures Folder are missing except of the last ten I recorded. The files from Nov 1st until today ( Dec 12th) are still there, but every file that is older than that is just missing. I tried some recovery softwares in case i...
  2. gio_888

    Missing ezgif-4-280c4f49f797.gif

    Hi, I'm getting an error saying "Some files are missing since you last used OBS." and pointing to ezgif-4-280c4f49f797.gif as the missing file. I have uninstalled and reinstalled OBS thinking it would solve the problem but it didn't. Where do I get this file or how do I solve this problem...
  3. K

    Folder I save files appears to have reset or been overwritten - where have my files gone?

    Apologies if this is a duplicate thread - i've tried searching and can't find similar. I have been using OBS Studio in a professional capacity since December to record interviews, which have initially saved in work computer C:\ videos file - also we use MS One Drive professional which accesses...
  4. C

    Missing footage after recording?

    Hello, I'm posting this on behalf of the person affected. Myself and a group of people were recording a video over zoom using OBS. after we finished recording, everyone's file was 30-32mins in length, the length of the recording. However, one persons' file was 9m22s long, and no sign of the...
  5. T

    Question / Help Your system is missing runtime components...

    When I try and install OBS its says "Your system is missing runtime compenents that OBS studio requires, would you like to download them?" when I click yes nothing happens so I went onto the forums and found a link to Visual C++ and apparently when you download it you should be able to install...