
  1. A

    How to add delay in midstream?

    I want to add delay while streaming, I stream on youtube and sometimes I get stream sniped by opponents. So is there any way out to add delay midstream and later on remove it?
  2. T

    In the middle of stream, audio from computer and mic cuts out

    Hello, I have the latest version of OBS Studio, and I have been having an issue where somewhere in the middle of the stream, my mic cuts out with my game audio, and then there is a buzzing sound as soon as it cuts off. I have to close OBS and restart stream and then it returns to normal. I am...
  3. T

    Can you add a delay mid stream without ending the stream?

    Hi, I've been watching a streamer called ONSCREEN and when he plays competitve games he adds a delay mids stream, and I was wondering how he did it. Thanks