lost audio

  1. F

    Ran out of USB Drive space, video stopped recording, and lost audio.

    Hello, this is my first ever post here on the OBS forums... So my friend and I just got done recording a total of 74 minutes of video; one file is the first 68 minutes and the second one is the last 6. The reason this happened is because after recording the first one for 68 minutes, it stopped...
  2. A

    Lost audio in live stream when changing scenes

    Problem: We just upgraded to OBS 26.1.1 on Thursday 1/14/2021 and did when we did the next live stream (of our church service on 1/17/2021) we did not have audio on certain scenes in the live stream. We are using mulitple scenes during the service, one for each part of the service. We have a...