
  1. S

    Is the OBS software itself, the detriment that affects us all?

    So, I have discovered that simply opening the OBS software causes my internet speeds to decrease significantly and lose significant stability. I have 5gb up and 5gb down fiber internet service. I have a 2.5gb ethernet LAN port in my MSI motherboard. Ryzen 5950x CPU Nvidia 3090 FE Windows 10 pro...
  2. H

    I use regular settings for streaming on youtube with the bitrate at 10,000kbs but for some reason today it dropped to 326kbs - 4500kbs

    The stream was terrible after an hour of streaming I gave up and closed the stream. Then I spent an hour trying to get OBS to work properly but to no avail. I doubled, tripled checked everything on my network for anything. I don't have any torrents and my download speed for my internet is 1Gbs...