filter plugin

  1. hanatyan

    Branch Output 0.9.7

    This plugin allows to transmit video and audio with RTMP / SRT etc. for each source individually. - Added “Branch Output” to source or scene effect filters. - One stream per Branch Output filter can be sent with dedicated encoding settings. - Multiple Branch Outputs can be added to a single...
  2. W

    OBS crashing almost immediately after I instaled new filter Move

    I´m at my wit's end, I don´t know how to fix this issue. I was working on improving my camera and I wanted to use filter Move (this one: ) - so I downloaded the installing file for Windows and for a while, it worked well, I was even able to use...
  3. Ashmanix

    Ashmanix Blur Filter 1.0.1

    Introduction For the most up to date user instructions view the wiki at: Blur Filter Wiki This plugin is designed to allow you to set a simple blur filter on an image or video source in OBS. This plugin is designed to be used with OBS version 28 and above. Notes This is a work in progress, the...