
  1. P

    VPAT and/or Accessibility

    Hello, My name is Ali, and I am a Learning Designer at Emporia State University. I was tasked with evaluating and reviewing OBS’s accessibility status for individuals who face handicap situations. I was wondering if I could see your VPAT or get a look at how your team handles accessibility...
  2. T

    Big Sur and an Elementary School

    Hi! First time post! I am a technology teacher in an elementary school. We use OBS to live stream our school news every day. Our broadcast is awesome... live weather, multiple anchors, special segments, and even animated transitions created by students. Like an idiot, I updated our MacBook Pro...
  3. M

    Outputting via Skype

    Hi, Wow, OBS is seriously powerful (thank you to the developers), however it does seem to be focused on Twitch and 'unidirectional' streaming. I can see HUGE opportunities for the software to support online music teaching, and indeed all sorts of other online teaching, via Skype or Google...