crash after app closes

  1. M

    OBS Crashes Upon Close

    Hello! I have seen some submissions about this issue and it seems to be caused by plugins, so I deleted my plugin folder and uninstalled and reinstalled OBS, minus the scenes data. I still get a crash when I close OBS. It's more annoying than anything. I also have flickering on my stream...
  2. G

    OBS blacks out, crashes after an app closes, and is unresponsive on certain sources

    Hi, I have three problems : On games that require a lot of ressources (The Last of Us, Alan Wake 2, Control), the stream information, and the chat window goes black, also some sources disappear (chat, clock, controller). I changed the settings to go from 4K to 1080p on CQP 20 but the issue is...
  3. I

    OBS crashes every time I close it after streaming

    So my OBS always crashes whenever I stop streaming and close it. But when I close it without streaming it does not crash. Below is the crash log, any idea? Thank you in advance! (It happened multiple times so I can provide more crash logs)
  4. Z

    Why when I close OBS does it crash?

    HI, I tried to understand why obs crashed when I closed it, I tried to delete the final thing in the list like i saw recommended but then obs wouldn't launch. I have also uninstalled OBS n reinstalled it n still get the same crash - any help is v appreciated - thanks
  5. T

    OBS is badly broken on Mac

    I wish I hadn't upgraded to OBS 30.1.2. It has so many more bugs now, the stuttering video is the least of the problems. I'm constantly getting the "OBS Quit Unexpectedly" window every single time I shut the app down, even if I start it in Safe Mode. When the app is open, none of the buttons...
  6. WalkTheEarth

    OBS Crashed mid stream.

    My OBS crashed. i was in the middle of streaming onto youtube. (at this point i have streamed over a day of video (max in one stream being 10hrs)) and, after me accidently closing JQuake, OBS did so too. (but globalquake didnt?) crash log attached.