audio muffled

  1. C

    headphones make obs sound muffled?

    Good day, So I'm a proud owner of the G Pro X headset and I encountered an issue with my headset and obs, every time I record videos using my headset the file itself has muffled audio ONLY when I listen to it from another speaker or headset but the thing is the file audio is muffled to everyone...
  2. H

    obs sound muffled

    After I record a video or clip, I play it back and the audio sounds unnatural or muffled. My OBS outputs in a mp4 file type. I have tried the enhanced audio thing and changing my settings but nothing seems to work. I don't know how to fix it and it sounds really bad. If anyone has any questions...
  3. M

    Question / Help Audio Muffled

    Hello, I am trying to record Minecraft, but whenever I open OBS, the game audio gets muffled for me. (Maybe the recording too) I found out that when I mute the microphone in the Recording Devices tab, the audio is fine. The problem with this is that I cannot have audio that is not muffled and...