amd (hardware)amd

  1. U

    My recording is corrupted (I think)

    It's the following, when I try to record at a frame rate greater than 60fps, for example 120, 240 the recording that would take one minute, it only lasts 10 seconds and is completely frozen, it seems that it cannot encode the entire video. But when I put it in 60fps it is normal, I wanted to...
  2. B

    Lag and recording at very low fps

    Good afternoon, morning, night OBS forums. For some time now, the OBS program, as well as other recording programs, did not go well for me, they went too slow and at very few fps. I have already tried many too many configurations and tips so that it does not go so slow. I wanted to see if there...
  3. Allixandree

    AMD HW H.265 (HEVC)

    hi. I just found out about AMD HW H.265 (HEVC) and I gave it a try but it does not record video it's not giving even 1 image just audio I used the other AMD HW H.265 option but the quality is uhh... bad. I have a terrible CPU not good at recording and an ok GPU (RX 550 2GB) bdw the AMD software...
  4. pravinrajlr

    OBS Crashing during startup

    Hi! OBS studio is getting crashed every time when it was opened. it simply shows a crash message and closes it.. attached the log files