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StreamerQnA 1.0.3

# Bugfixes
### System bugs
High priority:
- Discord webhooks now work again.
- Moving the cursor over the buttons will no longer cause the dock to freeze.

Medium priority:
- Twitch message system still used the old file system meaning it didn't send the messages to Twitch properly.
## Important notes
- Due to the nature of how complicated the previous system was on the backend, transfering previously registered submissions is not going to happen. Your queues are going to be empty.
- All data configured in version 0.41.8-0.41.11 will automatically be imported into the new GUI and data system. In future version this system is going to be removed.


## What's new:
### System upgrades
- Completely new storage system that lets the new configuration GUI to be used.
- Configuration system is completely redone, because editing files to configure a system is stupid. Added configuration page to the dashboard:
- Bot configuration page:
- You can toggle bot connections and configure the bot's connection properties.
- You can configure spam protection using the GUI.
- Commands configuration page:
- You can add and remove command groups and configure them all individually using the new GUI:
- edit the command group name
- edit the command aliases
- edit the chat responses
- edit the duplication response message
- toggle Discord integration which includes:
- webhook URL for Discord
- color of the Discord message
- Style configuration page:
- You can edit how the dashboard and the bubble is going to look like in a GUI.
- New statistics page on the dashboard, mostly for nerdy reasons:
### Visual updates
- Now you will get a visual alert if a new question is registered.
- Upon reloading the dashboard (including restarting OBS), the latest open menu will be opened.
- In the dashboard, within the queue the image buttons were replaced by text.
- If you create many-many command groups, their buttons are going to be put into rows by 3 making it more accessible for you. Above 6 command groups, the section for the command group buttons becomes scrollable.

## Bugfixes
### System bugs
- Spaces in the group names caused the registry of new submissions to fail. New submissions didn't show up in the queues if any of the groups had spaces in their names.
- Commands used without content were registered as new submissions.
- Comparing the current version number with the newest release's version number was still wrongly calculated.
### Visual bugs
- Making the time format empty left an empty cell in the dashboard instead of removing that cell.
- The width of the time cell in the bubble was significantly larger than the width of the text itself.

## Known bugs
### System bugs
High priority:
- You cannot set the tables' background color.
- Setting the transparency of the bubble is not possible.
### Visual bugs
Normal priority:
- Moving the cursor over animated parts of the dashboard rapidly and repeatedly will cause the dashboard to freeze.
Low priority:
- The width of the time cells in the queue is significantly larger than the width of the text itself.
- While editing the styles, the configuration table's corners' rounding don't match with the set value.
- Spam filter sensitivity setting's thumb is misaligned.
- Longer texts get clustered.
Fixed bugs:
- Showing the bubble on the stream made the whole system to freak out from not finding specific elements on the dashboard to edit.
- Checking the newest version caused comparing issues with several version numbers due to badly handling data.