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StreamerQnA 1.0.3

This tool lets you set up specific commands if which are used in your Twitch chat, the message after the command gets registered and you'll be able to show those messages on your stream one by one. Great tool for Q&A sessions.

It's HTML and JavaScript based, it doesn't need any external software, 3rd party servers or additional dependencies to be installed. You only need to download the files, put the dashboard.html into a custom dock and bubble.html into a browser source, configure the system to your liking and you're good to go.

  • Command flexibility:
    • You can set up as many commands as you like (it is recommended to keep them low).
    • You can set up as many aliases to each commands as you like (it is recommended to keep them low).
    • You can customize the bot's response when a question gets registered, or disable it completely.
      • Multiple possible responses can be set up and the bot will choose randomly from the list.
  • Spam detection:
    • It is possible to deny submissions if there are already registered questions that look exactly the same or somewhat similar.
      • You can customize how sensitive the similarity detection should be.
    • You can customize the bot's response when a question was already asked, or disable it completely.
      • Multiple possible responses can be set up and the bot will choose randomly from the list.
  • Feature rich customization:
    • You can individually edit how the dashboard and the bubble on stream should look like:
      • custom colors
      • roundable corners
      • each border on each side can be individually edited
      • use your own font
      • edit each text's font size
  • Easy handling of submissions:
    • The system will save the submitted questions, so if you close OBS and reopen it, the already submitted questions won't be lost.
    • You can individually show all questions one by one.
    • Each submission can be deleted individually, or the whole queue with the dedicated buttons
  • Discord integration:
    • Through webhooks you can send the submitted questions to your Discord server.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Bugfixes

    # Bugfixes ### System bugs High priority: - Discord webhooks now work again. - Moving the cursor...
  2. New features and bugfixes

    ## Important notes - Due to the nature of how complicated the previous system was on the...
  3. Bugfixes

    Fixed bugs: - Showing the bubble on the stream made the whole system to freak out from not...