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OSX 10.9.5 Mavericks backward compatibility guide / tutorial

this guide / tutorial is for people still using OSX Mavericks 10.9.5
usually owners/users of ProTools HD10.3.10 with HD Core PCIe or PCI-x hardware.
and usually with a MacPro4,1 or 5,1 2009 2010 2012
ProToolsHD10.3.10 is included in bundle with all newer licenses of: PTHD12.7, 2018, 2019, etc...,
the reason for that: PTHD10 is a compatibility bridge between older .pt RTAS / TDM and Newer .ptx AAX32 sessions & formats.

Software that works with OSX Mavericks:
FireFox 75.0, but has weird menus that must be manually disabled, procedure is on Mozilla / Firefox OSX Desktop forums, or install 74.0 and "dont click About Firefox".
Opera 49.0.2725.64 has WhatsApp, text and images work, videos dont.
Chrome 67.0.3396.79 (Official Build) (64-bit)

To install Mavericks or any older OSX requires to unlock Date&Time Clock, and lower a few years back, one or two yeards after the realease you want to install.
Not login to Apple Store when installing, then works OK.

OBS v19.0.2 Works, its sensitive to Audio settings in: Launchpad/Audio MIDI Setup.
Mic/input works ok No problem, but...
Desktop Audio Device in Configuration does Not work unless you manually select the desired core audio driver / soundcard in: Launchpad / Audio MIDI Setup.

OBS v19.0.3-installer to OBS v20.1-installer
installs and runs, but Menu does Not allow to select any Input device, Clicking (+) makes Nothing.
those should work in OSX Yosemite 10.10.
but ProTools HD10.3.10 does Not.
OBS over >v20.1 crash when running (ignore) or (reopen), probably work in OSX El Capitan 10.11

Matrox MXO2 MAX recommended drivers for OSX Mavericks are v4.2,
Yosemite 10.10 recomended drivers are v4.5.1 or v4.6 depends on the 3rd party software you are running: Adobe CC 6.0 or Adobe CC 7.0,
latest FinalCutPro and Compressor does Not work in Mavericks, Needs older version.
there is also MXO2 driver v4.5.0 unknown compatibility with Mavericks or Yosemite.

Other soundcards that work in OSX Mavericks:
Focusrite 18i20 Mk2 & Clarett8PRE USB, driver v3.4.6 or lower down to v2.2, older are faster loading.
but... Focusrite Control Panel sometimes does Not work, shows"Empty",
requires OSX Log-out & Log-in same account, and works again everytime.

OSX Mavericks does Not have csrutil, to have a similar administrator priviledges:
System Preferences / Users / Login Options / Network Account Join / and unlock the Default directory.

LG Phone OSX drivers + Android File Transfer work OK.

Is Not Recommended to install Mojave 10.14.6 because converts HDDs to APFS,
Paragon APFS discontinued driver was for Yosemite 10.10
HighSierra converts SSD to APFS but Not HDDs.
recommended OSX dual boot.
Bootcamp does Not support APFS.
Using dual HDD with Mojave 10.14.6 Requires Metal GPU with Apple Boot Screen.
some video cards like GTX Titan 6GB has built in drivers in OSX since Moutain Lion 10.8. but does Not have Boot Screen, unless hardware is modified.

Recomended aditional info:
The Definitive Classic Mac Pro (2006-2012) Upgrade Guide
First release
Last update
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