OBS Weather Script PY OWM

OBS Python OBS Weather Script PY OWM 2.0

Script hecho para tomar la temperatura desde OWM usando Python

MAS INFO EN GITHUB: https://github.com/skb10x/Script-Temperatura-OWM

Script maked for get weather from OWM using python

MORE INFO IN GITHUB: https://github.com/skb10x/Script-Temperatura-OWM
La biblioteca Requests*

Para instalar Requests, usá el siguiente comando en cmd

pip install requests

Como usar el script
En cmd andá a la ruta donde guardaste el script y ejecuta el siguiente comando.
py rutadelscript\nombredelscript.py

Este script puede ser usado con otro software como OBS Studio, Ej. vMix, Xsplit Broadcaster.
Si queres usarlo en otro software podés, no solo OBS Studio.
The Requests* library

To install Requests, use the following command in cmd

pip install requests

How to use the script
In CMD go to the location where you save the script and execute the following command
py locationfile\scriptname.py

This script can be used in other software such as OBS Studio. Example. vMix, Xsplit Broadcaster.
If you want to use the script in other software, you can. Not is only for OBS Studio.
