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Semi-free Dispersa

Dispersa is a freemium service which allows making streams availability monitoring. It uses geographically distributed network of checkpoint.
All major media protocols are supported: RTMP, RTSP, HLS, HDS, Smooth, Icecast, Shoutcast, DASH.

The following service options are available:
- Free check-over: you enter stream URL and all available checkpoints - from California to Singapore - will check if it's running or not.
- Regular monitoring: sign up in the service for free, add streams URLs and select which checkpoints you'd like to use. Each of those checkpoints will check stream availability each 5 minutes. It will notify you via email if it's not available. We'll add notification and control API for it soon.

Premium users may:
- Add large amount of streams to monitor.
- See history of check-overs - when stream was up and down.
- Adding private checkpoints to check your internal streams if they are now available from the outside.

Feel free to go to and try it for free.
Nimble Streamer
First release
Last update
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