Guys, there is an easy solution to your problem, he unfortunately doesn't mention it in the guide. This will only work if you don't care about recording your broadcasts. If you go to Settings|Advanced, under "Recording" you will see that it does filename formatting that puts a date/time stamp as the filename. Remove ALL of that, and have it simply save the file with the "Replay Buffer Filename Prefix" set to "Replay". This way, every time it saves the replay buffer, it will just overwrite the the file, instead of creating a new file with a new filestamp. You might also have to check off in the media source to "Close the file when not in use" if you get any sharing violation issues.
I was having the same issue as you guys, once I did this, now I can easily just press CTRL+SHIFT+S and then CTRL+SHIFT+R and it's always my LATEST recording, because it just keeps overwriting the same file. Hope this helps!